It's time for a full investigation of Hawkins County DCS.
On June 14th 2021 there were four Children living their American lives with their DNA Parents at their home on Ben Hill Road, Hawkins County Tennessee.
We don't know who or what situation took the one of four children, the one girl, Summer Wells, away from her Family.
We don't know if Summer was the intended Child on the radar that day.
The possibilities are in the hands of the TBI and FBI as they continue to professionally handle this case.
We DO know that after Summer disappeared, who it is that took the three other Children.
75%, three children, the Boys, we know.
25%, one child, Summer, we don't know.
We know that on the 14th of June 2021 the DCS was on the Wells' property. They closed a bogus case from a bogus phone call about the Children. After an intense 'by the book' DCS investigation, the Wells Family was an accepted American Family of six persons by sunset on the 14th of June.
On the 15th of June, Summer Wells disappears.
The DCS reappears. By using tactics of advantage to a vulnerable Family, they get the signatures they want.
The DCS takes the three Boys from the Wells' home (to 'watch over their safety' as thought by the Parent's minds) during the search for Summer and related chaos transpiring in this traumatic event.
1. The Boys are taken from their Family who had NO charges against them concerning Summer Wells, nor case charges of their separate home environment as previously stated on the DCS June 14th case closure.
2. The DCS had just cleared the Family the day before she disappeared.
3. Duress by vulnerability was applied without a clear explanation or clear options concerning signing over the Boys to this - unelected system, taxpayer funded, non Amber Alert Family trained children's agency - called DCS, the Department of Children's Services.
4. The Boys are taken so far away, that it made it nearly impossible for a grieving, fearful, panicking Amber Alert Family to leave work and related needed finances, leave the property due to continuing investigations and searches, drive the distance, have any quality time, and drive back safely.
5. There has been no non-cliche valid explanation yet why Don and Candus Wells were abruptly stopped from communicating with their Boys.
6. DCS Case workers have changed by possible replacement or quitting or being fired (?) with scrambled consistency or inconsistencies concerning the Wells case these past two years.
7. The DCS was in a shambles on June 2021 when Summer disappeared, and discussion by the Tennessee legislation nearly dismantled the DCS in order to rebuild it at the end of 2022. This is the system that took the Wells' Boys.
8. The taking of the Boys is 99%+ based on Summer Wells disappearance.
9. The Boys were taken extremely far in distance from their home. The Boys were taken from all their support group : their friends, their Church, their home, their toys, their Parents .. and the Boys current state of struggles is highly due to DCS decisions of location, decisions of remedies and solutions, and the Boys separation from all they knew and loved, as well as those many other Citizens that loved them, such as their Church support.
10. The judge working with the DCS is now arrested himself.
11. Organizations such as CASA, who are only volunteers, are sent 'by the court' to the Wells home to investigate and openly 'spy' on the Wells. Their mission statement saying "court-appointed volunteer advocacy so every child who has experienced abuse or neglect can be safe, have a permanent home, and the opportunity to thrive.".
Abuse and Neglect!? Talk about a judgment call.
CASA means "Court Appointed Special Advocate® (CASA) and guardian ad litem (GAL) volunteers are appointed by judges to advocate for children’s best interests."
Once again, search DCS and CASA to find out their skill set on working with Amber Alert Families.
Volunteers?!! Really? Not even paid professionals? Abuse and neglect? No one said that on the 14th of June. Is the Seventh Day Adventist Church considered abuse and neglect? Are all those happy Family photographs abuse and neglect? Maybe the vast array of toys and sports equipment? Maybe fishing?
Or, maybe taking the Boys away from everything they knew and loved is "abuse and neglect"? Who did that?
12. These are the people, legal authorities, and organizations that won't even allow the Parents to call their Boys and say "We Love You".
13. No charges against the Wells concerning Summer. Also a fully investigated DCS case of the WellsFamily CLOSED the day before Summer disappears. Yes the DCS was on the property the day before Summer disappeared. Yes, for the Family, the DCS may have clear connections, or someone close to the DCS, concerning Summer's disappearance.
14. Yes, it does not take a twisted mind to see the extent of the corrupt or non professional package of people that have handled the taking of the Wells' Boys, and equally bound the Parents from communicating with them, - and stole the Boys from their friends, home, and Church support system, and the Love that only comes from their DNA Parents who deeply love them and ache beyond words of not being able to embrace them.
15. The new head of DCS in Nashville TN has an Amber Alert background and hopefully can perceive the Hawkins County misuse of this potentially valuable state agency asset she is attempting to rescue and build into a trustworthy entity.
Amber Alert Families are the individuals who currently have no distinct placement in the Tennessee DCS system. Children yes. Families no.
The Wells have been nothing short of the guinea pigs of DCS trying to use policies that don't match the situation.
With a DCS system emblazoned with historical fallacies, faults, and failures, - the juvenile Judge working with the DCS on the Wells' Boys' case now arrested on bribery and forgery charges, - and the abuse of vulnerability applied to an Amber Alert Family's Parents by DCS and related, .. it is time for a complete reevaluation of this debacle which deceitfully juggled the human rights, the religious rights, the Constitutional rights, the moral rights, and the grieving rights of the Wells Family - an Amber Alert Family - into the DCS cauldron of 'guilty until proven innocent'. This they deny, but their policy weaknesses counter this denial.
They prefer to imply that they are a good tree, but it is publicly reported by news that they are actually a tree of good and evil.
Yes, the taking of the Boys has everything to do with the pre-event disappearance of Summer Wells. The DCS has turned Summer's Brothers into victims themselves and done damage that may take years to repair or bring balance back to their lives.
And take the next step : What would happen if Summer Wells ended up in the DCS hands?
As an example, study the DCS document on rescued children from Child Trafficking. The words 'foster parent' seems much more prevalent than anything about restoring them to their own families. The policy is biased, not balanced.
You banish Parents of all their Children then punish them for responding behaviors. The Boys become leverage in this hypocritical game of ransom.
Summer's disappearance is still a mystery, but the three Wells' Boys disappearance is not.
Now add the 'taking away of the Boys' to the already hourly painful mind, body, and psych battles daily fought by the Parents of missing Amber Alert child Summer Wells.
The formula is disgrace personified.
Don and Candus Wells have been stripped and put on public display.
Naked guinea pigs.
The Department of Cruel Solutions to this Amber Alert Family in Hawkins County Tennessee needs unleashed from this case. Hawkins County and DCS policies in this situation are a shambles of shame.
There needs to be a full investigation and reevaluation of how Amber Alert Families are treated, counseled, nourished and nurtured in Tennessee and nationally.
There needs to be a full investigation and reevaluation of the Wells' DCS case.
Josey, Wyatt, Waylon, Summer.. Your Parents deeply Love You. Their hearts ache for You. The Community here Loves You. Everyday, in every way, each of You is special. You fill the four chambers of our hearts. Remember what God taught each of You.
And remember, God always wins.
