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The Last Straw

Updated: Jan 23, 2023

The last straw. It doesn't matter what people think of us. After nine months I return to the loss of everything. My Wife and I strip the house and start to rebuild our lives from scratch. And what is the first thing DCS does? They tell us we can no longer see or call our Boys. Our assigned lawyer does not return calls. The regional DCS person did not respond to our email. Yet, there are no charges against us. Nothing.

Then we begin reading recent articles of a statewide disgust of the Tennessee DCS. Here we are, an Amber Alert family. Our daughter Summer is still missing and the DCS won't let us talk to our own Boys, her brothers? It may seem like a harsh word, but the DCS have kidnapped our Boys. If they treat us, American Citizens, this way concerning our Boys - no communication!? - then what chance do we have of ever seeing Summer again if she is found!!?

We didn't break the Tennessee DCS system which loses nearly 50% of their case workers each year; Which makes money for every child they take and keep so they don't lose federal funds; Which have children placed and sleeping on office floors and placed in hospitals for their suffering existence; - read the articles. And this is the system that is supposedly caring for American Citizen's Children?? How well we now understand.

This broken system cash cow must have, we ask, everyone who loves Summer Moon-Utah Wells to cry out as Her Voice in demonstration to the State of Tennessee that this is wrong beyond wrong what they are doing to Children and their Families.

Yes, on the personal side, we see no reason they have stripped us of all communication with our Boys. Is this how you treat Amber Alert families? Or any family. That is not American.

But the picture is much much bigger than us. Say what you want about us, but the DCS system is broken and Summer would tell us to fight for the sake of her Brothers as well as all the Children in these articles that we will be posting.

Help us with the great loss of Summer - who has deeply touched hearts worldwide - to let Her Voice cry for others, to speak loudly to news media, social media, the Tennessee government - against a system that is pushing children into a prison lifestyle - as stated in one article.

It has been one year since we went quiet. That ends. We are sick of it all.


We came across this song online and it says it all. Here are the lyrics :

"What made you believe, you had the right?

To use me in your games you’ve played with my mind.

I wonder why you build us up to tear us down.

I wonder what you tell yourself.

Cause we're living In a broken world

Where money rules the throne

I don't want to feel helpless anymore


From now on we'll take a stand

Cause naturally we're sick of it all.

There's no doubt in my mind

We do our best

To heal these open wounds

We've tried to forget

I wonder do you know how wonderful you are

I wonder how you stay so strong

Cause we're living in broken world

Where money rules the throne

I don't want to feel helpless anymore


From now on we'll take a stand

Cause naturally we're sick of it all.

Sick of it all

Sick of it all

Sick of it all

Sick of it all

Sick of it all

Living broken world

Where money rules the throne

Rules the throne."

DonCandus Wells .

... News Articles of Broken Tennessee DCS Department of Children's Services :

Governor Lee's DCS crisis plan, Crisis at Department of Children's Services




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