[See added UK Law example below..] To clarify : We are asking Tennessee State Representative Diana Harshbarger to begin the conversation to protect Amber Alert Victims and Families from ANY SORT of harassment. This is the suggested name shared :
The Summer Wells ACT of Privacy For Amber Alert Victims And Families.
Secondly, and different than the above Summer Wells ACT, we are asking the state of Tennessee to make it illegal to share private recorded conversations - such as telephone calls - publicly, ie. on social media platforms, without the consent of all parties.
These are two different requests. One is national. The second is for the State of Tennessee, but preferably national also. The TBI on June 15, 2022 clearly stated the negative affect they have experienced in these related categories. [Reference type law in UK : https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1988/27/section/1 ]