We are often asked if Youtube entertainment creator Chris McDonough is working for the Wells Family or working for the TBI. Officer Leslie Earhart from the TBI on 8/9/21 says that "We are not working with Mr. McDonough, nor did we ask for his assistance." On 7/14/22 she writes, "The information included in my original response is still accurate." Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
For news media inquiring : No, Chris McDonough does not work nor represent the Wells Family and only has limited understanding of the Summer Wells case. Furthermore, his multitude of speculations should be clearly seen as entertainment, not as an expert in the case in any form. Read the 6/15/22 TBI statement disccussing their analysis of social media and the Summer Wells case : https://tbinewsroom.com/2021/06/16/amber-alert-summer-wells/ Thank You Officer Leslie Earhart and the TBI Tennessee Bureau of Investigation - who as the qualified professionals, are continuing to keep this a 'hot case' in finding what happened to Summer Moon-Utah Wells.